BOAT International

How a superyacht is supporting ocean conservation and a marine sanctuary in the Dominican Republic


Credit: Max Bello

He came across Yachts For Science, an organisation (of which BOAT International is a founding partner) that connects yacht owners and crew with marine scientists, researchers and content creators. Collaborations can open new horizons for yacht owners who want to get off the beaten track. Mikhailov thought it could also offer an exciting, meaningful, even educational, twist to charter itineraries for Bering Charter, the shipyard’s recently launched programme.

“Even before we found Yachts For Science we’d been thinking about changing our way of chartering our boats,” he says. “It’s easier for people to make a decision when they can charter a room on a boat – so we’ve introduced that as a service. Then if you can give your charter a schedule and a purpose it’s even more attractive.”

Read the full article here
